Emplicure: Comment from the board of directors in Emplicure AB (publ) regarding mandatory takeover offer from TomEQT Private AB 

Comment from the board of directors in Emplicure AB (publ) regarding mandatory takeover offer from TomEQT Private AB

TomEQT Private AB ("TomEQT Private") has today announced a mandatory takeover offer in cash for the shares in Emplicure AB (publ) ("Emplicure" or the "Company") at a price of SEK 0.50 per share (the "Offer"). The Offer is made in accordance with the rules regarding mandatory takeover offers since TomEQT Private's shareholding in Emplicure, following the directed issue of shares resolved by the board of directors of Emplicure on 24 May 2023, now amounts to approximately 50.6 percent of the total number of shares and votes in Emplicure.

An offer document regarding the Offer is expected to be published on 29 May 2023. The acceptance period for the Offer is expected to commence on 30 May 2023 and end around 20 June 2023. The expected settlement date is 28 June 2023.

For further information regarding the Offer, please refer to TomEQT Private's announcement of the Offer, which is available on TomEQT Private's website

The board of directors of Emplicure will now evaluate the Offer. The board of directors will, no later than two weeks before the expiration of the acceptance period, publish its opinion and recommendation regarding the Offer and state the reasons for such recommendation. The board member Johan Wieslander will not participate in the board of directors' preparations of or decisions in matters relating to the Offer with reference to that family members of Johan Wieslander and Thomas von Koch (owners of TomEQT Private) have a private friendship relation.

This information is information that Emplicure AB (publ) is required to disclose pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact persons above, on May 29, 2023 at 12:07 CET.

For additional information, please contact

Håkan Engqvist

Phone: +46 702 569 500
Email: [email protected]

Erik Magnusson

Phone: +46 708 565 245
Email: [email protected]

Certified Adviser

Emplicure AB (publ) is listed on the Nasdaq First North Growth Market. Certified Adviser is Erik Penser Bank.

The following documents can be retrieved from beQuoted
PM-Emplicure NE ENG-2023-05-24.pdf

Emplicure develops new and innovative products by combining existing and approved active substances with advanced materials science within ceramic biomaterials. The product portfolio is focused on chronic pain and on abuse-deterrent formulations. The subsidiary Amplicon AB develops consumer products with oral nicotine as the first product. The share is listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market (EMPLI). Read more at

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