Host Property: Nordic Trustee & Agency AB (publ) agrees to a waiver request sent by Host Property AB (publ) 

Nordic Trustee & Agency AB (publ) agrees to a waiver request sent by Host Property AB (publ)

We refer to the terms and conditions for the SEK 500,000,000 senior secured and guaranteed floating rate bonds with ISIN SE0013486057 originally dated 26 November 2019, as amended and restated on 26 March 2021 and on 28 November 2022 (the "Terms and Conditions") with Host Property AB (publ) as the issuer (the "Company").

The Company has requested that Nordic Trustee & Agency AB (publ) (the "Bond Trustee") consents to a waiver of the Terms and Conditions (the "Waiver Request") to permit the Company to make a group contribution (Sw. koncernbidrag) in accordance with the Swedish Income Tax Act (Sw. inkomstskattelag) to its shareholder Host AB which will have a positive tax effect on the Company, provided that Host AB makes a shareholder's contribution (Sw. ovillkorat aktieägartillskott) to the Company in the same amount and simultaneously with the group contribution. The positive tax effect for the Company will be SEK 4.4 million.

The Bond Trustee has agreed to waive the Terms and Conditions in accordance with the Waiver Request as the Bond Trustee is satisfied that such waiver is not detrimental to the interest of the Bondholders as a group. For more details, please see attached notice to Bondholders.

Christian Fuhr, Investor Relations, mob: +47 98 22 85 16, email: [email protected]

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