Annehem Fastigheter: Correction: Correction of Annehem's year-end report for 2022 

Correction: Correction of Annehem's year-end report for 2022

The correction concerns that the press release with the heading "Correction of Annehem's year-end report for 2022", published on April 14, 2023 at 08:00, was incorrectly classified as MAR.

In the year-end report published in February, 2023, included incorrect information regarding Annehem's Property Portfolio, page 9) and current earning capacity (page 10) as of December 31, 2022.

The errors occurred when certain parts were not updated correctly with the current indexation. Correct tables are included below.

Property Portfolio, page 9.

(Correction of Rent revenue and Annualized rental value)

Property Property name City Area, sqm Rent-revenue SEK million Annualised rental value, SEK million Fair value incl leasingSEK million
Valhall Park Barkåkra 50:3 Ängleholm 51 564 38,2 40,6 486,0
Ljungbyhed Park Sjöleden 1:5-1:17 Ljungbyhed 73 234 29,6 35,0 222,2
Kamaxeln Kamaxeln 2 Malmö 950 1,6 1,6 19,4
Peab Center Malmö Stenkullen 2 Malmö 4 937 15,3 15,3 241,2
Peab Center Helsinborg Jupiter 11 Helsingborg 4 807 8,4 8,4 138,0
Peab Center Solna Sadelplatsen 3 Stockholm 12 455 42,7 42,7 970,0
Sadelplatsen 4 Sadelplatsen 42 Stockholm 13 494 15,5 18,9 378,0
Ledvolten Ledvolten Stockholm 4 268 14,5 14,5 328,1
Almnäs Almnäs 5:28 Södertälje 2 158 5,3 5,3 104,0
Partille Port Partille 11:60 Partille 6 431 12,7 13,0 194,0
Ultimes I&II inkl parkering Ultimes Helsingfors 17 015 68,4 68,4 944,3
Carl Berner Torg Carl Berner Torg Oslo 3 640 15,0 15,0 284,0
Total 194 953 267,1 278,8 4 309,2

Current earnings capacity, page 10.

(Correction of the items Adjusted rental revenue, vacancy and rental revenue.)


Earnings capacity, SEK million 2022-12-31
Rent revenue 278,8
Vacancy -11,7
Rent revenue 267,1
Property expenses -85,0
Property tax -12.5
Driftnetto 169,6
Other operation income -0,4
Central administration -36,4
Centraladministration -60,1
Income from property management 72,8

Read the corrected year-end report here, Finansiella rapporter och presentationer - Annehem

Ängelholm April 14, 2023.

Monica Fallenius

For further information please contact:

[email protected] 
Tel. +46 70 209 01 14

The following documents can be retrieved from beQuoted
Annehem Pressrelease 2023-04-14.pdf
Annehem Year-end report 2022.pdf

Annehem Fastigheter

Annehem Fastigheter is a growth-driven property company specializing in commercial, community service and residential properties in the Nordic growth regions of Stockholm, Skåne, Gothenburg, Helsinki and Oslo. The property portfolio in Annehem Fastigheter consists of 25 investment properties with a value of SEK 4 309 million and a lettable area of 195 thousand sqm. The company is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm since December 2020 with the ticker ANNE B and have a Nasdaq Green Designation since May 2022. For more information, please visit Annehem's website

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