Cell Impact: Cell Impact publishes annual report for 2022 

Cell Impact publishes annual report for 2022

Cell Impact AB (publ) has now published the annual report for 2022 on its website:

On the website, both the Swedish and English version are available.

For more information, please contact:
Stefan Axellie
CFO, Cell Impact AB
+46 70-343 46 55 or [email protected] 

IR contact:
Pär Teike
CEO, Cell Impact AB
+46 73-024 06 84 or [email protected] 

The following documents can be retrieved from beQuoted
Cell Impact PressRelease EN 20230324.pdf
CellImpact 2022AR EN F.pdf

About Cell Impact
Cell Impact AB (publ) is a global supplier of advanced flow plates to fuel cell manufacturers. The company has developed and patented a unique method for high-velocity forming, Cell Impact Forming™, which makes it possible to produce flow plates with more advanced designs, which in turn creates more cost and energy-efficient fuel cells compared to conventional forming methods.

The Cell Impact share (Ticker: CI) is listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market and FNCA Sweden AB is the company's Certified Advisor (CA). Contact info: +46 8-528 00 399 or [email protected].

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