SMART VALOR: SMART VALOR introduces Cardano Staking as their latest product offering 

SMART VALOR introduces Cardano Staking as their latest product offering

Swiss digital asset exchange SMART VALOR has added ADA Staking to its platform - now customers of SMART VALOR can earn up to 5% p.a. by staking their Cardano assets. 

"Cardano has long since been a fundamental part of the global digital asset industry. Lead by one of cryptocurrency's foremost thinkers, Charles Hoskinson, Cardano is at the forefront of some of the most interesting work currently taking place in digital assets. We are happy to offer SMART VALOR customers the opportunity to stake ADA, support the Cardano ecosystem and to deepen the strong relationship with the Cardano Foundation.," adds Olga Feldmeier, co-founder & board chair of SMART VALOR. 

With SMART VALOR Cardano Staking, you avoid the need to purchase hardware and run a software protocol yourself.  

Cardano Staking on SMART VALOR is secure and simple. You benefit from the custodial security of a regulated crypto exchange, approved for registration by a financial regulator in one of the most respected European jurisdictions with advanced crypto regulation.  

Deposited funds are locked for 30 days, and you cannot withdraw them during the lock period. Earnings are paid directly into your crypto wallet at the beginning of each month until you unlock your assets.  

Regarding investment returns, SMART VALOR offers one of the most competitive rates on the market. Users can earn up to 5%* annually - and can get started with a minimum holding of 1 ADA.   

For additional information, please contact 

Olga Feldmeier, Board chair and Co-founder 
Email [email protected] 

Adrian Faulkner, General Counsel 
Mobile: +44779695 0688 
Email: [email protected] 

Certified Adviser 
Mangold Fondkommission AB  

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SMART VALOR is a Swiss company that became the first European digital asset exchange listed on Nasdaq First North. The company's mission is to provide a trusted gateway to blockchain technology for investors and institutions. On the B2C side, it operates a retail digital asset exchange, custody, and asset management. On the B2B side, the company works with banks and fintech companies offering its technology as a white-label Crypto-as-a-Service solution. SMART VALOR was one of the first crypto companies to receive financial intermediary status in Switzerland and to be registered as an exchange and token custodian under the Blockchain Act of Liechtenstein. 

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