Seamless Distribution Systems: Seamless brings forward the annual general meeting, publication of the annual report 2022 and interim report for the period Q1 2023 

Seamless brings forward the annual general meeting, publication of the annual report 2022 and interim report for the period Q1 2023

Seamless Distribution Systems AB's (publ) ("SDS") updates its financial calendar and has decided to postpone the publication of the annual report 2022 until April 14 2023. The previously communicated date for publication was March 16 2023. Publication of the interim report for the period Q1 2023 will be moved to May 15 2023, instead of April 20 2023 as previously communicated.

SDS also announces that the board has decided to move forward the company's annual general meeting from April 20 2023, to May 30 2023.

The reason for the updated financial calendar is due to the renegotiations previously communicated regarding amendments in bond terms and conditions.

For more information contact:

Martin Schedin Interim CEO

+46 70 438 14 42

[email protected]

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SDS is a Swedish international software company that specializes in mobile payment services for mobile operators, distributors, retailers, and consumers. SDS ensures that Telecom operators can sell their telephone subscriptions, where SDS products and services handle up to 90% of the Telecom operator's sales. Today, SDS have implemented solutions in fintech, advanced analysis and retail value management, and where these solutions have succeeded, they are transformed into so-called SaaS solutions.

SDS has approximately 288 employees in Sweden, France, Belgium, Romania, South Africa, Ghana, Nigeria, Ivory Coast, United Arab Emirates, Pakistan, India, and Indonesia. SDS annually handles more than 15 billion transactions worth over USD 14 billion. Via over 3 million monthly active resellers of digital products, more than 1100 million consumers are served globally.

SDS share is listed on Nasdaq First North Premier.

The company's Certified Adviser is FNCA Sweden AB, [email protected]

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