JonDeTech: Greetings from JonDeTech! 

Greetings from JonDeTech!

As we get closer to the holiday season and the new year, I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for all the support we received during 2022.

It has been an exciting and challenging year for JonDeTech, not least due to our determination to reach the business results we have been targeting for so long. We made a huge breakthrough when we in November announced the readiness of Working Samples of JIRS30, our nano-sensor element.

Even though this was a major milestone and hurdle that the company have striving for, this was not an endpoint but rather the starting point of several new activities. So, after this announcement we have been very busy.

Firstly, we focus more than ever on reaching the next step in the commercialization of JIRS30 - Engineering Samples. We have finalized the development of the production line and are now producing sensor elements in a steady stream. For each batch of sensor elements, we are improving the production quality, yield and product performance.

Secondly, spurred by our progress in production, we have increased our efforts to fulfil our go-to market strategy. Recently we onboarded sales directors in both Sweden and Taipei, and we are now approaching customers in the segments defined in our go-to market plan. In less than a month we have doubled the number of active leads in our sales funnel which gives a good starting point for revenue growth.

Thanks to reaching the milestone Working Sample, we also see an increased interest in JonDeTech from customers, partners, and investors. This is creating a lot of opportunities which we are currently evaluating.

I am also happy to see that we are getting many requests for Evaluation Kits and samples. Already with the next batch of completed, we will be able to start shipping JIRS30 sensor elements to customers for evaluation and testing purposes. This will open up for new opportunities and relationships that will be important for JonDeTech in the long run. 

For latest news and investor presentations I would recommend you to follow our You Tube channel, and also make sure you sign up for our emails on our Newspage. You can also follow us on LinkedIn.

We look forward in taking JonDeTech to its full potential and share this with all of you in 2023, as we bring our products to the market.

Meanwhile, on behalf of all of us at JonDeTech, I would like to again thank you for your support and wish you a Merry Christmas and a prosperous, happy New Year!

Dean Tosic

CEO JonDeTech Sensors AB

For more information, please contact:

Dean Tosic, CEO JonDeTech, phone: +46 73 994 85 70, mail: [email protected]

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About JonDeTech

JonDeTech is a supplier of sensor technology. The company markets a portfolio of IR sensor elements based on proprietary nanotechnology and silicon MEMS. The nanoelements are extremely thin, built-in flexible plastic, and can be manufactured in high volumes at a low cost, which opens up for a variety of applications, such as temperature and heat flow measurements, presence detection, and gas detection. The company is listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market. Redeye is the company's Certified Adviser. Read more at or see how the IR sensor works at

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