Emplicure: Communiqué from extraordinary general meeting in Emplicure AB (publ) 

Communiqué from extraordinary general meeting in Emplicure AB (publ)

An extraordinary general meeting in Emplicure AB (publ) (the "Company") was held on Monday 14 November 2022 at 11 am at the Company's premises, Virdings allé 32B, Uppsala.

At the general meeting, the following resolutions were made:

Resolution regarding approval of the transfer of shares in the subsidiary Amplicon AB to Amplicon's CEO Tomas Hammargren

It was resolved to approve that the company transfers shares in the subsidiary Amplicon AB to Tomas Hammargren on the following terms:

  • Tomas Hammargren or a company wholly owned by Tomas Hammargren is offered to acquire 1,250 shares in Amplicon, corresponding to five percent of the total number of outstanding shares in Amplicon.
  • The price for the shares amounts to a total of SEK 805,000, which corresponds to the board's assessed market value. The board's assessment is based on a valuation of Amplicon carried out by BDO on behalf of the Company.
  • The transfer shall be conditional on Emplicure and Tomas Hammargren entering into a customary shareholder agreement.

The resolution was supported by shareholders holding more than 9/10 of the votes cast and the shares represented at the general meeting.

For additional information, please contact

Gisela Sitbon

Chairman of the Board
Phone: +46 70 282 55 58
Email: [email protected]

Erik Magnusson

Phone: +46 708 565 245
Email: [email protected]

Certified Adviser

Emplicure AB (publ) is listed on the Nasdaq First North Growth Market. Certified Adviser is Erik Penser Bank.

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Emplicure develops new and innovative products by combining existing and approved active substances with advanced materials science within ceramic biomaterials. The product portfolio is focused on chronic pain and on abuse-deterrent formulations. The subsidiary Amplicon AB develops consumer products with oral nicotine as the first product. The share is listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market (EMPLI). Read more at

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