Chordate: Subgroup results from Chordates PM007 multicenter clinical study of K.O.S-stimulation will be presented at Migraine symposium in London 

Subgroup results from Chordates PM007 multicenter clinical study of K.O.S-stimulation will be presented at Migraine symposium in London

Chordate Medical Holding ABs (publ) ("Chordate") (Nasdaq First North Stockholm: CMH), a specialty medtech company that focuses on developing neuromodulating systems for treating chronic migraine, today announces that an abstract entitled "Kinetic Oscillation Stimulation for the treatment of chronic migraine - a subgroup analysis of a randomised controlled clinical trial" by Hoffmann, J. et al, has been accepted as a poster by the Migraine Trust International Symposium 2022 [MTIS], September 8-11, 2022, London.

The abstract will present the results from the subgroup analysis performed of the 97 German subjects that left the PM007 study at the end of 2021, the poster is accepted by MTIS to be presented at the symposium. The study of a total of 132 subjects saw the last patient leave the study early August, and the completed data file is currently compiled for the final scientific article manuscript, anticipated to be submitted later this fall.

"It will be very exciting  to see the subgroup results of the PM007 study in a couple of weeks. If it is as good as we hope, this will immediately be a great support to our marketing and sales ambitions with the already CE-marked product. The fact that the German clinics completed their work early provided the opportunity to make this subgroup analysis, while waiting for their Finnish colleagues to catch up after all delays caused by Covid-19. Our near-term task is now to process the data from the completed study, and to get it published in its entirety", says Anders Weilandt, CEO of Chordate.

About the PM007 trial

This randomized, sham-controlled, double-blind, multicenter study was conducted at five neurology clinics in Germany and four in Finland. The study enrolled 132 subjects and is designed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of the K.O.S-treatment, with the primary endpoint to detect mean change from baseline (4-week screening period, 4-week follow-up period) in monthly headache days with moderate to severe intensity, following weekly treatments for six weeks. Fifty percent of the subjects received active K.O.S-treatment from the S211 investigative device, while the other half of the subjects received a validated sham/placebo treatment from the same equipment.

The study enrolled subjects with diagnosed chronic migraine (15 days/month of headache, whereof >8 days with migraine) and was completed at the beginning of August 2022.

For more information, please contact:
Anders Weilandt, CEO
[email protected]
Cell: +46 733-874277

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About Chordate
Chordate Medical Holding AB (publ) is a medical technology company that for over ten years has developed, patented and CE-marked a new neuromodulation treatment technology for chronic nasal congestion (rhinitis) and chronic migraine. The company offers its product via distributors to clinics and hospitals in selected European markets, Israel, and Saudi Arabia. Chordate Medicals share is listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market Stockholm (ticker: CMH). Read more at

Chordate's Certified Adviser on Nasdaq First North Growth Market Stockholm is Västra Hamnen Corporate Finance AB, +46 40 200 250, [email protected].

N.B. The English text is an in-house translation of the original Swedish text. Should there be any disparities between the Swedish and the English text, the Swedish text shall prevail.

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