Caybon: Caybon Holding AB acquires Future Media Group 

Caybon Holding AB acquires Future Media Group

Caybon Holding AB (the Company) has today signed a binding agreement to acquire all the shares of Future Media Group ("FMG") for a total upfront acquisition price, expressed as Enterprise Value, of 160 MSEK.

Future Media Group consists of five business areas in the digital marketing space and is based in Sweden and Norway. With their in-house capabilities FMG develops, designs and executes marketing concepts for publishers and media channels, in order to create attractive value propositions towards advertisers. Through competitive intelligence, trend analysis and co-creation with partners FMG seeks to innovate digital marketing to help clients develop new revenue streams.

FMG had net sales of around 165 MSEK and EBIT of approximately 28 MSEK in 2021[1]. Further information on FMG can be found on the company's website Future Media Group.

With this acquisition Caybon will reinforce its offering of digital marketing campaigns. FMG also has strong relationships with Nordic Publishers. Caybon believes that FMG's offering can be introduced in Caybon's international network and should be well received.

Richard Båge, CEO of Caybon said, "I have followed FMG since it started and have been impressed with their development.  I envisage that FMG's offering will be well received in the other geographical markets where Caybon operates.  I have known CEO Linus as a close colleague before he founded FMG and I am very thrilled that he will continue to lead FMG as a separate business area in the Caybon Group."

Linus Wennerström, founder and CEO of Future Media Group, added, "I very much look forward to FMG becoming part of the Caybon family of digital media companies. It is a logical home for our business to continue to grow and develop with the support of Caybon's international network."

FMG will be consolidated in the Campaign segment of Caybon as of July 1. The upfront acquisition price for 100 per cent of the shares in FMG is 160 MSEK, expressed as Enterprise Value. Consideration will be comprised of a combination of cash and of newly issued shares in Caybon. The parties have agreed on a potential, additional earn-out compensation, which is dependent on the level of operating earnings for FMG (EBIT) in 2022-2024. Total enterprise value, including earn-out compensation, could as a maximum amount to 230 MSEK if all EBIT targets are met during 2022-2024.

[1] The FMG group did not have the same structure in 2021 as now, so net sales and ebit has been calculated to the best of our ability to show how the current group would perform in 2021.

For further information please contact:

Richard Båge, CEO

Tel. +46 72 365 21 49

Email: [email protected]


Johan Janing, Chief Financial Officer

Tel. +46 76 894 06 65

Email: [email protected]

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This information is information that Caybon AB is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, on 16 July 2022 at 20:00 p.m (CEST).

About Caybon

Caybon is a group of scalable, digitally focused marketing companies specialised in content and distribution products. The purpose is to offer advertisers and organisations a way to communicate with their target group in an editorial and relevant context. The various offerings include a range of options from online media, videos, performance related advertising, events as well as printed products. Revenues in turn are derived from content production as well as various forms of advertising solutions. The clients range from small to medium sized companies all the way up to multinational groups. The client base is thus diversified in terms of both size, sector and geography. The five brands within the Group are grouped into two business segments: Campaigns and Platforms.

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