Cibus: Cibus Nordic Real Estate AB (publ) updates its MTN programme and publishes an updated base prospectus 

Cibus Nordic Real Estate AB (publ) updates its MTN programme and publishes an updated base prospectus

Cibus Nordic Real Estate AB (publ) ("Cibus" or "the Company") has in June 2021 established a Medium Term Note programme with a framework amount of SEK 5 billion or an equivalent amount in EUR, NOK or DKK (the "MTN programme"). In connection with the establishing of the MTN programme Cibus published a base prospectus dated 14 June 2021, which is subject to yearly updates. The Company has now made its annual update to the base prospectus and, in connection therewith, updated the general terms and conditions of the MTN programme.

The prospectus has been approved by, and registered with, the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority. The prospectus will be available on the Financial Supervisory Authoritys website ( and on the Companys website (

 Danske Bank A/S, Danmark, Sverige Filial and Nordea Bank Abp are arrangers of the MTN programme and will together with OP Corporate Bank plc, Swedbank AB (publ) and Pareto Securities AB act as dealers under the MTN programme. Roschier has acted as legal advisor to Cibus in connection with the updates to the MTN programme.

For further information, please contact:

Sverker Källgården, CEO, Cibus Nordic Real Estate AB (publ), tel: +46 761 444 888
Pia-Lena Olofsson, CFO, Cibus Nordic Real Estate AB (publ), tel: +46 708 580 453

This information is information that Cibus Nordic Real Estate AB (publ) is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation 596/2014. The information in this press release was submitted for publication by the contact persons set out above, for publication at the time specified by Cibus news distributor beQuoted at the time of publication of this press release. The above persons can also be contacted for further information.

The following documents can be retrieved from beQuoted
Cibus Pressrelease 2022-07-13.pdf

Cibus is a real estate company listed on Nasdaq Stockholm Mid Cap. The companys business idea is to acquire, develop and manage high quality properties in the Nordics with daily goods store chains as anchor tenants. The company currently owns approximately 450 properties in the Nordics. The main tenants are Kesko, Tokmanni, Coop, Lidl and S Group.

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