Host Property: Market update 2Q 2022 

Market update 2Q 2022

Strong activity during the quarter

Company highlights during the quarter: 

  • Strong market development during the quarter - hotel market activity above pre-COVID-19 levels
  • Strong Host Property development - 2Q22 REVPAR 12% above 2Q19 ("normalized") levels
  • 12 months of revenues (REVPAR) in line or above pre-COVID-19 levels
  • Strong development in revenues and cash revenues - 2Q22 cash revenues at SEK 12 million
  • Strong bookings going into the summer and 3Q 2022 in general
  • Stronger profitability and cash flow in Host Property than before COVID-19 - including more efficient operation
  • Host Property 2Q 2022 results to be published by the end of July 2022

See attached material for details. 

Christian Fuhr, IR, [email protected], +47 98 22 85 16

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