Emplicure: Amplicon showcased its leading consumer product in Warsaw 

Amplicon showcased its leading consumer product in Warsaw

Amplicon, a wholly owned subsidiary of Emplicure AB that focuses on developing consumer products, successfully showcased two dry white nicotine-pouch products at the Global Forum on Nicotine in Warsaw on 16-18 June 2022.

The technology springs from Amplicon's IP, based on ceramic biomaterials, and represents a completely new generation of nicotine products with distinct properties for enhanced user experiences that target the rapidly growing global market for nicotine pouches.

Amplicon's stand at GFN was well visited by industry representatives, researchers, consumer advocate groups and members of the media. In particular, the samples of the two nicotine products that representatives from Amplicon shared with many GFN visitors, sparked much interest. 

The response at GFN was remarkable," says Tomas Hammargren, Chairman of Amplicon. "It's clear that after meeting with so many principal parties in our industry that we have developed something significant. The acknowledgement from our peers reinforces our conviction that Amplicon has a vital role to play in this market."  

In connection with GFN, Professor Håkan Engqvist, board member and co-founder of Emplicure, held a presentation of Amplicon's products for a large audience at ISoNTech on Thursday, 16 June 2022. The presentation, titled "The First Dry Pouch With Long-lasting Diffusion of Taste and Nicotine" sparked a stimulating discussion and a number of questions from the audience about Amplicon's platform and products.

"The interest in our presentation was truly gratifying, but more importantly, the curiosity shown by researchers and industry representatives from all over the world in our technology and its potential was exactly the kind of positive input that we had hoped for," says Håkan Engqvist. 

ISoNTech is a distinct 1-day event that takes place in June each year. Developers, manufacturers and distributors are invited to demonstrate new products and discuss their design and development. The aim is to present a wide range of alternative delivery systems, including vaping products, oral pouches and tobaccos and heated tobacco products as well as ancillary technologies involved.

GFN is the only international conference that focuses on the important role that safer nicotine products have in helping people quit smoking. Safer nicotine products include e-cigarettes (so-called vapes), nicotine pouches, oral tobacco, such as Swedish snus, and heated tobacco products.

Amplicon announced on June 15 that it filed at the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) for a trademark registration for its leading product.

For more information, please contact:

Torbjörn W. Larsson
Phone: +46 (0)70 747 65 99
Email: [email protected]

Erik Magnusson
CFO, Investor Relations
Phone: +46 (0)708 565 245
Email: [email protected]

Tomas Hammargren
Chairman, Amplicon AB
Phone: +46 (0) 706 494 549
Email: [email protected]

Emplicure AB (publ) is listed on the Nasdaq First North Growth Market. Certified Adviser is Mangold Fondkommission AB, +46 8 503 015 50, or via [email protected]

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Emplicure is a pharmaceutical company developing new and innovative drugs by combining existing and approved active substances, and advanced materials science within ceramic biomaterials. The product portfolio is focused on chronic pain, and with abuse deterrent formulations. The wholly owned subisidiary, Amplicon AB develops consumer products, with white tobacco-free nicotine pouches as the first product. Read more at

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