Meltron: Meltron publishes half year report earlier 

Meltron publishes half year report earlier

Meltron will publish its half year report per 2020-12-31 on Friday 12 February 2021.

Stockholm/Helsinki 10 February 2021

For more information, please contact:

Ville Sistonen, CEO of Meltron AB, ph: +358 40 746 4781;

Mikko Sola, CFO of Meltron AB, ph: +358 40 566 5335;

Meltron AB, Embassy House, Linnégatan 89C, SE-115 23 Stockholm

Meltron Oy, Laivakatu 3, FI-00150 Helsinki


The following documents can be retrieved from beQuoted
Meltron Pressrelease 2021-02-10.pdf

About Meltron - "More than Just Light"

Meltron AB designs, manufactures and sells LED lighting solutions which are based on interdisciplinary application of electronics, optics, thermodynamics and nano-structures. "More Than Just Light" translates into energy savings, superior light quality, product life-time savings, increased productivity, safety and wellbeing. Meltron provides high quality solutions for the most demanding environments in infrastructure, industry, logistics and agriculture.

LED lighting is one of the fastest growing major industries of the world. The annual growth of the industrial sector currently amounts to 47 percent, and the entire market is projected to generate turnover of USD 100 billion in 2020, according to Edison

Meltron's share is traded on NGM Nordic MTF under the ticker MLTR.

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