Host Property: Notice of written procedure in Host Property AB 

Notice of written procedure in Host Property AB

Reference is made to the SEK 500,000,000 senior secured and guaranteed floating rate bonds 2019/2022 with ISIN SE0013486057 (the "Bonds") issued by Host Property AB (publ) ("Host Property") and the terms and conditions for the Bonds (the "Terms and Conditions"). Any capitalised term used but not defined herein shall have the meaning given to it in the Terms and Conditions.

At the request of Bondholders representing approximately 62.20 per cent. of the Total Nominal Amount of the Bonds (the "Major Bondholders"), the Bond Trustee of the bondholders has today initiated a Written Procedure (a written procedure for decision making among the Bondholders in accordance with Clause 21 of the Terms and Conditions). The notice of the Written procedure including the information regarding the voting procedure are available at Host Property's web page (!/tab/163978404-2) and the Bond Trustee's web page (

The outcome of the Written Procedure will be announced by way of press release in connection with the termination of the Written Procedure. The voting record date is 29 December 2020 and the last day for voting in the Written Procedure is 12 January 2021, the Written Procedure may however be terminated before the expiry of the time period for replies if a requisite majority has been obtained.

The notice of Written Procedure, including complete proposals for resolutions and voting instructions, has been sent by the Bond Trustee to directly registered owners and registered authorised nominees (Sw. förvaltare) of the Bonds in the debt ledger produced by Euroclear Sweden as of 16 December 2020.

Host Property has upon request by the Bond Trustee delivered answers and additional information to the Bond Trustee's claim that an Event of Default is ongoing and remain of the opinion that no Event of Default has occurred. In addition, Host Property and the Major Bondholders are currently under discussion to find a solution acceptable to both parties.

For questions regarding the administration of the Written Procedure, documentation and voting procedure, please contact the Bond Trustee at [email protected] or on +46 8 783 79 00.

Christian Fuhr, Investor Relations, Host Property AB, mob: +47 98 22 85 16, email: [email protected]

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