Absolent Group: Absolent Group has signed a Credit Facility with Nordea 

Absolent Group has signed a Credit Facility with Nordea

Absolent Group AB has signed a Revolving Credit Facility with Nordea of SEK 300 million. The new facility gives Absolent Group the opportunity to increase flexibility in connection with acquisition opportunities.

The credit facility agreement is for three years and came into force on 13 June 2019.

"We have a very good business relation with Nordea and are pleased to be able to deepen the cooperation with a new flexible financing solution. We have gained attractive terms, which gives us a favourable way to finance continued expansion of our business," says Anna Åkerblad, CFO at Absolent Group.

In addition to a bank overdraft facility of SEK 20 million, Absolent has no other credit facilities and a positive net cash.

25 June 2019  

Axel Berntsson, CEO Absolent Group, +46 510 48 40 00
Anna Åkerblad, CFO Absolent Group, +46 510 48 40 00

Absolent Groups aktie handlas på Nasdaq First North. Bolagets Certified Adviser är Erik Penser Bank AB. Tel 08-463 83 00. E-mail: [email protected]

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