Absolent Group: Absolent Group's subsidiary Absolent AB builds new headquarters 

Absolent Group's subsidiary Absolent AB builds new headquarters

Absolent will build a new headquarters in Lidköping, Sweden. The property will accommodate both offices and production. The ambition is to strengthen the presence locally and to continue to grow globally. A new headquarters with a modern, expanded production area is an important part to make this possible.

The new property will be 3500 m2, which makes it 50% larger than the current one and the lot is over 100% larger which ensures that there is plenty of room to grow further in the future. The office part will amount to 900 m2. The rest of the space will be used for production and storage. It is expected to be ready for occupation during the third quarter 2019. 

- This is an exciting step and a milestone for Absolent. We have been situated in the same place since the nineties. It is now getting too small and we therefore choose to invest in an expansion. It will be in Lidköping since we feel this is the place where Absolent has its roots. To leave the city has never been an option as we see great opportunities locally, says Axel Berntsson, CEO Absolent AB

Absolent has grown fast during the past couple of years and the goal is to keep that up. Expanding the office and production supports the company's goal of further expansion and will be built with focus on efficiency and quality to promote customer focus and continued development. 

- We grew a lot in 2017, which resulted in increased manufacturing and more employees. A trend that lasted in 2018 and is predicted to continue in the future as we see increased demand for our products. The new property gives us greater opportunities both in terms of manufacturing, office space and logistics, says Axel Berntsson

Absolent wants to strengthen its position as a company and employer in Lidköping and sees the new premises as a massive improvement for the staff. At the new headquarters there will be more offices, meeting rooms and social areas, as well as a larger production area and more storage space. 

- It is important for us to be an attractive workplace for both current and future employees, and building a new property comes with many advantages. All employees have been involved in the planning and have left requests about it. Now we have the opportunity to create a modern workplace that we can design just the way we want it. It feels fun and exciting! continues Axel Berntsson

Absolent has applied for a building permit on the site and the construction, which will be carried out by the Jönköping company YLAB, will commence in the fall of 2018.


Contact: Axel Berntsson, CEO Absolent Group, +46 510 48 40 00

Absolent Groups share is traded on Nasdaq First North. The company's Certified Adviser is Erik Penser Bank 08-463 83 00

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