ÅAC Microtec: ÅAC Microtec invites to a Live Session at the Facebook group "Aktier - Småbolagsjakten" 

ÅAC Microtec invites to a Live Session at the Facebook group "Aktier - Småbolagsjakten"

ÅAC Microtec will host a live Question and Answer session with ÅAC's management on April 19 between 19:00 - 20:00 CET

"Aktier - Småbolagsjakten" is the largest Facebook group in the Nordic region, focusing on publicly traded small companies. The group has over 35 000 members.

 During the Live Session all questions and answers will be in English. Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions directly to company management including Chairman Rolf Hallencreutz, CEO Alfonso Barreiro and CFO & Deputy CEO Mats Thideman. 

To participate in the session, you must first become a member of the Facebook group "Aktier - Småbolagsjakten". It is recommended that you submit a membership request at least one day in advance of the presentation to ensure you can participate in the event.

To join the group:

  1. Go to
  2. Click the green "+ Join Group" button
  3. You will receive a notification on Facebook when your application to the group is accepted 

Other planned presentations:


Please visit: or contact: 

CEO Alfonso Barreiro, [email protected]
Chairman of the board Rolf Hallencreutz, [email protected]

The following documents can be retrieved from beQuoted
AAC Microtec Pressrelease 2018-03-28 English.pdf

ÅAC and its subsidiary Clyde Space offer a full turnkey mission service from design to on-orbit operations including reliable platforms in the range of 1 to 50 Kg; customizable to suit our customers' requirements. Our end-to-end service package enables our customers to reach their mission goals with a single, trusted point of contact. In addition we supply a full range of subsystems for cube satellites and small satellites.  

ÅAC Microtec's shares are traded on Nasdaq First North Stockholm. G&W Fondkommission, telephone +46 8 503 000 50, is the Certified Adviser.

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