Xintela: Xintela engages professor Christer Betsholtz as scientific and strategic advisor 

Xintela engages professor Christer Betsholtz as scientific and strategic advisor

Xintela announces that Christer Betsholtz has been engaged as a scientific and strategic advisor for the company's cancer programme, with a focus on the brain cancer form glioblastoma. Betsholtz is a professor at the University of Uppsala with a focus on vascular biology and, in addition, from August 1 2016 will be head of the AstraZeneca and Karolinska Institute's joint laboratory - Integrated Cardio Metabolic Centre (ICMC).

Christer Betsholtz is an internationally renowned researcher with extensive experience and important research grants from amongst others the Cancer Research group of Sweden (Cancerforden). At The University of Uppsala, he leads a research group in vascular biology at the Institute for Immunology, Genetics and Pathology.

Engaging Christer Betsholtz is a step to further strengthen the development of Xintela's cancer programme, with an initial focus on glioblastoma. Christer Betsholtz will act as an advisor in both research-related and strategic decisions.

- We are very excited to be able to engage Christer Betsholtz as an advisor for Xintela. His broad competence and his renowned international reputation in the cancer field, as well as his insightful approach to translational research, is of great value for Xintela's continued goal to develop an new antibody therapy for the brain tumour form, glioblastoma, says Xintela's CEO, Evy Lundgren-Åkerlund.

- I am really looking forward to working with Xintela's team and the company's exciting marker technology. Xintela's research in developing a target-seeking antibody therapy for glioblastoma is very important in the quest to develop an effective treatment for patients who are affected by this very aggressive and deadly cancer form, says Christer Betsholtz.

Betsholtz commenced his role as scientific and strategic advisor on June 15 2016 and the contract is valid until further notice.

23 June 2016

Xintela AB (publ)
Evy Lundgren-Åkerlund, CEO
Tel:+46 70-329 18 71
E-mail: [email protected]
Medicon Village
223 81 Lund, Sweden

Queries regarding trading with Xintela shares and warrants will be answered by the company's Certified Adviser, Consensus Asset Management AB. Telephone: +46 31-745 50 00.

Media and Investor Relations related queries should be directed to:
Adam Lindblom, Laika Consulting
Tel: +46 73-062 20 13
E-mail: [email protected]

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About Xintela
Xintela AB (publ) is a Swedish biomedical company active in the fields of regenerative medicine and cancer, with a focus on cartilage damage and brain tumours. The key to Xintela's business is the Company's patented marker technology, XINMARK™. Xintela's markers are specific proteins which sit as "recognition flags" on certain cell surfaces. The markers make it possible to identify and quality assure cartilage cells and stem cells and also to select a certain type of stem cells which can develop into cartilage cells. Through this technology, Xintela can, in a unique way, quality assure stem cells for the repair of damaged cartilage. The XINMARK™-technology makes it also possible to direct antibody treatment to cells in glioblastoma brain tumours with the goal to slow down tumour growth. Xintela is listed on Nasdaq First North since 22 March 2016. Xintela's Certified Adviser at Nasdaq First North is Consensus Asset Management AB.

Information submitted for publication 23 June 2016 15.30 CET

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