Autocirc: Aurocirc välkomnar ny CFO - New CFO at Autocirc 

Aurocirc välkomnar ny CFO - New CFO at Autocirc

Som ett led i Autocircs fortsatt omfattande tillväxtresa stärker bolaget organisationen genom att tillsätta Gunilla Andersson som CFO för koncernen. Gunilla efterträder bolagets nuvarande CFO Johan Rafstedt som lämnar bolaget i augusti 2023.

Gunilla Andersson är en affärsorienterad CFO med solid finansiell grund och med gedigen erfarenhet från en rad olika branscher. Hon kommer närmast från rollen som CFO på Mentice och dessförinnan har hon tjänstgjort som CFO på bl a Aleris Group, SKF Motion Technologies och Optigroup. 

- Jag ser mycket fram emot att välkomna Gunilla som ny CFO för Autocirc. Med sin breda kompetens och erfarenhet kommer hon vara en stor tillgång för Autocirc i vårt fortsatta arbete med att växa och utveckla bolaget. Hennes erfarenhet av att etablera starka finansiella team i en koncern med många dotterbolag är särskilt värdefull i den starka tillväxtresa vi befinner oss i. Jag vill också passa på att tacka Johan Rafstedt för hans mycket goda insatser i Autocirc och önska honom stort lycka till i kommande uppdrag, kommenterar Johan Livered, VD Autocirc.

Gunilla Andersson new CFO for Autocirc
As part of Autocirc's continued extensive growth journey, the company strengthens the organisation by appointing Gunilla Andersson as CFO for the group. Gunilla succeeds the company's current CFO Johan Rafstedt who will leave the company in August 2023.
Gunilla Andersson is a business-oriented CFO with a solid financial foundation and wast experience from a variety of industries. Her most recent role as CFO is at Mentice and before that she has served as CFO at Aleris Group, SKF Motion Technologies and Optigroup.

"I look forward to welcoming Gunilla as the new CFO of Autocirc. With her broad expertise and experience, she will be a great asset for Autocirc in our continued efforts to grow and develop the company. Her experience of establishing strong financial teams in a group with many subsidiaries is particularly valuable in the strong growth journey we are on. I also want to take the opportunity to thank Johan Rafstedt for his very good efforts in Autocirc and wish him good luck in future assignments, comments Johan Livered, CEO of Autocirc.

För mer information kontakta:
Johan Livered, VD                                                      
+46 727 164666                                                   

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Autocirc works for a circular transition in the automotive industry. We ensure that used car parts get back on the road again - or that materials and components can be used in completely different products and contexts. By moving from new production to reuse, remanufacturing, repurpose and recycling of car parts, we are making the second-hand market the first choice. A sustainable choice for a smarter automotive industry where we minimise waste and maximise the availability of quality-assured car parts for the secondary market. A better alternative, also for the next generation.

Autocirc was founded in 2019 and is growing rapidly. Today, the group consists of 52 companies with over 900 employees and operates in Sweden, Norway, Finland, the UK, Poland, Germany and France.

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