Cell Impact: The nomination committee's proposal for board members etc. 

The nomination committee's proposal for board members etc.

Cell Impact AB (publ) announces the nomination committee's proposals for board members and board renumeration ahead of the annual general meeting which will be held on 20 April 2023.

The nomination committee proposes that the board for the period until the end of the next annual general meeting consists of five ordinary board members without deputies.

The nomination committee proposes that board fees shall be paid in the amounts of SEK 360,000 to the chairman of the board and SEK 180,000 to each of the other board members elected by the general meeting. Furthermore, the board shall have the right to decide on renumeration to a board member of unchanged SEK 8,000 per day for performed consulting work that is not covered by customary board work.

The nomination committee proposes re-election of the current board members Robert Sobocki, Thomas Carlström, Anna Frick and Lars Bergström for the period until the end of the next annual general meeting. The nomination committee proposes election of Mats Franzén as new board member for the period until the end of the next annual general meeting. The current board members Mattias Silfversparre and Mikael Eurenius have declined re-election. Robert Sobocki is proposed to be re-elected as chairman of the board.

Information about the proposed new board member Mats Franzén:

Main occupation: Senior Advisor at Sectra AB (publ) and PhD-studies in Industrial Management at Linköping University.

Education: Master of Science in Business Administration from Linköping University, Master of Arts in Public Policy from University of Chicago and Master of Science in Health Economics and Policy from London School of Economics and Political Science. Ten months Global Executive Management Program at Yale University, School of Management.

Other: Mats was born in 1969 and has among other things, worked as an approved public accountant and office manager at PricewaterhouseCoopers AB, as controller and finance director at Toyota Material Handling Europe AB and as CFO at HTC Sweden AB and Sectra AB (publ).

Information about the board member proposed for re-election can be found on the company's website

For more information, please contact:
Pär Teike
CEO and IR contact, Cell Impact AB
+46 73-024 06 84 or [email protected] 

The following documents can be retrieved from beQuoted
Cell Impact PressRelease EN 20230330.pdf

About Cell Impact
Cell Impact AB (publ) is a global supplier of advanced flow plates to fuel cell and electrolysis manufacturers. The company has developed and patented a unique method for high velocity forming, Cell Impact Forming™ which is significantly more scalable and cost-efficient compared to conventional forming methods. Cell Impact Forming is an environmentally friendly forming technology that consumes no water and very little electrical power.

The Cell Impact share is listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market and FNCA Sweden AB is the company's Certified Advisor (CA). Contact info: +46 8-528 00 399 or info@fnca.

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