JonDeTech: JonDeTech announces outcome of rights issue of units 

JonDeTech announces outcome of rights issue of units

The Board of Directors of JonDeTech Sensors AB (publ) (the "Company" or "JonDeTech") announces the outcome of the rights issue of units with preferential rights for the existing shareholders, announced on 14 October 2022 (the "Rights Issue"). The Rights Issue was 54.8 percent subscribed for with and without the support of unit rights. In total, 44,846,059 units were subscribed for with the support of unit rights, representing approximately 52.9 percent of the Rights Issue, and 1,607,427 units were subscribed for without the support of unit rights, representing approximately 1.9 percent of the Rights Issue. The remaining guaranteed part of the Rights Issue, corresponding to 11,654,734 units or approximately 13.7 percent, will be allocated to guarantors and JonDeTech will thereby receive a total of approximately SEK 29.1 million before issue costs.

Outcome of the Rights Issue

The subscription period for the Rights Issue closed on 5 December 2022 and the outcome shows that the Rights Issue was subscribed for approximately 54.8 percent with and without the support of unit rights. In total, 44,846,059 units were subscribed with the support of unit rights, corresponding to approximately 52.9 percent of the Rights Issue, and 1,607,427  units without the support of unit rights, corresponding to approximately 1.9 percent of the Rights Issue. The remaining guaranteed part of the Rights Issue, corresponding to 11,654,734 units or approximately 13,7 percent, will be allocated to guarantors. The Rights Issue will raise approximately SEK 29.1 million before issue costs, which are expected to amount to approximately SEK 6.8 million, including the cash costs of the guarantors. The proceeds of the issue will be used primarily to repay loans, enable continued market launch activities to accelerate growth and to finance the completion of the production process for high-volume production.


Notification of the allocation of units subscribed for without subscription rights will be sent to those who have been allocated units in the form of a settlement note. Shareholders registered with a trustee will receive notification of allocation in accordance with the procedures of the respective trustee. Allotment of units subscribed for without the support of subscription rights has been carried out in accordance with the principles set out in the prospectus published on 16 November 2022.


CEO Dean Tosic comments:

"In an extremely challenging market, it feels good that we managed to raise capital with a satisfactory coverage ratio. With this funding, work continues towards the completion of JIRS30 and the execution of our go-to market plan, and we will continue to communicate our progress on an ongoing basis."


Number of shares and share capital

After the Rights Issue has been registered with the Swedish Companies Registration Office, the total number of shares in the Company will increase by 58,108,220 and amount to 89,912,251. The share capital will increase by SEK 2,220,752.875999 and amount to SEK 3,436,224.513430 after registration.


If all warrants of series TO1 are fully exercised, the number of shares in the Company will increase from 89,912,251 shares to 148,020,471 shares and the share capital from SEK 3,436,224.513430 to SEK 5,656,977.389428. The exercise period for warrants of series TO1 runs from and including 1 February 2023 to and including 15 February 2023.


Trading in BTU

The last day of trading in paid Subscription Units (BTU) on the Nasdaq First North Growth Market is expected to occur in week 51, 2022.


Trading in new shares and warrants

The new shares and warrants are expected to be traded on the Nasdaq First North Growth Market during week 52, 2022.



Vator Securities AB is acting as financial advisor and Eversheds Sutherland Advokatbyrå AB is acting as legal advisor in connection with the Rights Issue. Vator Securities AB is also acting as Issuer Agent in connection with the Rights Issue. 

For more information, contact:

Dean Tosic, CEO JonDeTech

Tel: +46 73 994 85 70

Mail: [email protected]

The following documents can be retrieved from beQuoted
2022-12-07 PR-Outcome-rights-issue.pdf

About JonDeTech

JonDeTech is a Swedish company that develops, and markets patented IR sensor technology based on nanotechnology. The company's IR sensors are down to one-tenth as thick as conventional sensors, built in plastic and can be manufactured in high volumes at a low cost, which opens for a variety of applications. The company is listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market. Redeye is the company's Certified Adviser, +46-8-121 576 90, [email protected],

Read more at or see how the IR sensor works at

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