JonDeTech: JonDeTech achieves the most important milestone in the company's history - Working Samples of the JIRS30 nanosensor element completed in the new production flow 

JonDeTech achieves the most important milestone in the company's history - Working Samples of the JIRS30 nanosensor element completed in the new production flow

In 2019, JonDeTech obtained working sensor elements from the collaboration with a German research and development institute. To be able to commercialize the sensor elements, however, an industrialized production process was required to reach high volumes and competitive unit costs. Now, for the first time in the industrialized production process, JonDeTech has obtained functioning sensor elements, so-called Working Samples, which is the biggest milestone in the company's history so far.

A tech-transfer was initiated in 2019 to partners in Europe. Gradually, more and more process steps have been moved out and the external collaborations deepened. In late 2021, a decision was made that a full fabless structure was required. This has been implemented in 2022 in collaboration with Swiss VarioPrint and its partners. Working samples mean that JonDeTech has for the first time obtained working sensor elements from the new production environment. This event also marks that the technology transfer (tech-transfer) is now completed.


- It has been a long and winding road from the time we received the first working sensor elements from the German Fraunhofer IZM until we can now say that the technology transfer has been completed. Going from a lab environment to industrial production of a completely new type of sensor element has been a challenge, but with the right employees and partners we were finally able to solve the task, says Leif Borg, COO JonDeTech.


The next step in the process is to obtain engineering samples, for this it is required that the production process that delivered the working samples can be repeated on at least three occasions. When this process is complete, the company can initiate sales and thus begin deliveries of larger quantities of sensor elements to customers for evaluation. After that, the qualification work required to produce commercial sensors is initiated.


- All the company's stakeholders have been waiting a long time for this historic milestone. Ever since we made the decision to move all processes to internationally recognized partners, we have felt that it was the right way to go, and it feels good that we now also receive the proof that we did the right thing, says Dean Tosic, CEO JonDeTech.

For more information, please contact:

Dean Tosic, CEO JonDeTech, phone: +46 73 994 85 70, mail: [email protected]

Leif Borg, COO JonDeTech, phone: +46 73 810 93 10, mail: [email protected]

This information is information that JonDeTech is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out below, at 19.10 CEST on November 7, 2022.

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About JonDeTech

JonDeTech is a supplier of sensor technology. The company markets a portfolio of IR sensor elements based on proprietary nanotechnology and silicon MEMS. The nanoelements are extremely thin, built-in flexible plastic, and can be manufactured in high volumes at a low cost, which opens up for a variety of applications, such as temperature and heat flow measurements, presence detection, and gas detection. The company is listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market. Redeye is the company's Certified Adviser. Read more at or see how the IR sensor works at

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