Unibap: Unibap receives funding from European Union's Horizon within the SOPHOS project 

Unibap receives funding from European Union's Horizon within the SOPHOS project

The SOPHOS project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under Grant Agreement 1010827. Unibap is eligible for a grant amount of 476 KEUR during the 3 years of project execution.  

Unibap AB is a consortium member in the Smart on-board processing for Earth observation systems (SOPHOS) project, that received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under Grant Agreement 1010827. The value of the work share for Unibap is 476 KEUR over the 3 years' time of the project, out of a total grant of 2055 KEUR for the entire consortium.

The consortium members are UNIBAP AB, German Aerospace Center - DLR, Universität zu Lübeck - UZL, Teletel Aerospace and Defense - TELETEL and DSI Aerospace Technologie GmbH - DSI, who also is the coordinator of the project.

The increasingly growing number of satellites with more capable electro optical sensors and synthetic aperture radar (SAR) sensors for Earth observation requires new solutions for data handling and to get that data to the ground. Better on-board data processing and storage solutions will allow future iterations of spacecraft to achieve higher performance in smaller and smaller packages. SOPHOS will design and implement enabling technology for high-end data products produced on-board spacecraft via the implementation of more power efficient high performance space processing chains for various Low-Earth Orbit (LEO) missions, with a focus on applications for SAR.

- This is a natural next step for Unibap with our flight proven SpaceCloud - a high performance on-board processing solution, to participate in a project like SOPHOS to address the compute intensive solutions needed for SAR missions. The combination of a SpaceCloud hardware and software solution with a miniaturized mass memory module from DSI provides a mixed criticality solution representing the best of breed regarding high performance radiation tolerant processing capability and resilient long term storage solution. Innovative algorithms and applications from DLR, UZL and Teletel will move the boundaries for state of the art on-orbit processing of SAR data.

Lena W Jansson, CEO

Uppsala October 13, 2022

For more information, please contact:

Lena W Jansson

[email protected]
+46 72 450 15 15

This information is by Unibap required to disclose under the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication on October 13, 2022 at 14:20 CET.

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About Unibap

Unibap is a high-tech company that aims to automate and streamline industries on earth as well as in space. With smart solutions based on AI and robotics, we want to increase quality and productivity for our customers while eliminating dangerous tasks that today are performed manually. Unibap strives to have a positive impact on both society and the environment. The company's Quality Management System is certified according to SS-EN ISO 9001:2015. The company is listed at Nasdaq First North Growth Market.

For more information, please visit the Company's website

FNCA Sweden AB, is the Company's Certified Adviser.

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