Unibap: Johan Åman will take over as CEO of Unibap on November 14, 2022 

Johan Åman will take over as CEO of Unibap on November 14, 2022

As previously announced on September 16, 2022, Johan Åman has been recruited as the new CEO of Unibap. Johan's first day as CEO is now set for November 14, 2022.

Johan Åman has extensive experience from various leading positions at Mycronic and Scienta Scientific. Johan is result driven with a forward-thinking approach centered on company success and competitive growth in international environments. He has a demonstrated record of building successful teams and managing profitable operations. His latest position was as CEO of Scienta Scientific AB.  Johan holds a degree in Master of Science (MSc) in applied Optics Combined degree from Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg and an MBA: International Business from Gothenburg Business School.

For more information, please contact:                                  

Ingrid Engström

Chairman of the board

ingrid.engströ[email protected]

+46 72 545 60 05

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About Unibap

Unibap is a high-tech company that aims to automate and streamline industries on earth as well as in space. With smart solutions based on AI and robotics, we want to increase quality and productivity for our customers while eliminating dangerous tasks that today are performed manually. Unibap strives to have a positive impact on both society and the environment. The company's Quality Management System is certified according to SS-EN ISO 9001:2015. The company is listed at Nasdaq First North Growth Market.

For more information, please visit the Company's website

FNCA Sweden AB is the Company's Certified Adviser.

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