

Adventure Box Technology AB has acquired Danish Multiverse ApS with the gaming platform KoGaMa. After the announcement of the deal on September 12, it was decided to suspend the paid marketing on the Adventure Box game platform for the time being. Despite this, the number of visitors was 130,220 in September, and the customer acquisition cost remained stable at SEK 0.20. The percentage of returning users was, due to extraordinary events, unusually high at 51%. KoGaMa will eventually replace the Adventure Box platform

Adventure Box Technology AB has acquired the Danish company Multiverse ApS with the gaming platform KoGaMa. The new merged company has begun work with the concrete goal of increasing both revenue and the number of users.

KoGaMa is a well-developed, revenue-generating game platform that is a few years ahead of Adventure Box in terms of development. Compared to Adventure Box, KoGaMa, without paid marketing, has 13-15 times more visitors, in addition, a much larger and more active user community.

After the announcement of the acquisition on September 12, it was decided to shut down the paid promotion on the Adventure Box gaming platform. As a result, the number of visitors during September decreased to 130,220. Due to extraordinary events during the month, the number of returning users on the platform increased to 51%. We are now bringing the company's knowledge and processes about customer acquisition into KoGaMa.

As KoGaMa will eventually replace the Adventure Box platform, this month's data will be the last in its current form. However, we intend to continue to keep our shareholders informed about developments.

"With the merger with Multiverse, we have created opportunities for strong growth of users and revenues. With that, I hand over the baton with great confidence to the company's new CEO Michal Bendtsen, who clearly has both the vision and the details for the way forward," said Rickard Riblom, former CEO of Adventure Box.

"The foundation for a future success story has now been laid. We will work hard to ensure we are at the forefront of our industry. We see clear opportunities for how to grow both earnings and users and look forward to returning with more information to the market," said Michal Bendtsen, new CEO of Adventure Box

Key figures for Adventure Box September 2022 (August in parentheses):

  • Number of website visitors 130,220 (201,542)
  • Proportion of visitors from gaming websites: 4% (5%)
  • Average cost for purchased traffic: SEK 0.20 (SEK 0.20)
  • Number of returning users: 65,834 (48,462)
  • Share of returning users: 51% (24%)
  • Number of still image impressions: 2,705 (3,591)
  • Revenue per thousand views of still image advertising: SEK 13 (SEK 8)

Note that the above key figures taken from Google Analytics / AdSense / Ads can vary over time due to the large amounts of data.


  • The number of website visitors is the number of individuals who visited the company's website (according to Google Analytics).
  • Visitors from gaming websites are reported when a user clicks on the company's website from a third-party website.
  • Average cost for purchased traffic is the average cost of each click on an ad from visitors who click through to the company's website through paid ads.
  • Returning users is reported when a visitor with existing Google Analytics cookies from Adventure Box returns to the company's website. Google Analytics measures for returning users depend on the user allowing Google's cookies. Returning users who have disabled cookies in their browser will therefore not count as returning by Google Analytics.
  • Number of still image impressions are the number of times an Adventure Box promotional message is loaded on a user's device.
  • Revenue per thousand impressions of still image advertising is the revenue generated by one thousand ad impressions.


Rickard Riblom, CEO Adventure Box, +46 (0)70 444 24 79,
[email protected],

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Adventure Box, the leading social cloud gaming platform for user-created games, makes it easy and fun to make, share and play 3D games online. The company's world-leading streaming technology is patent protected. Founded in Stockholm 2014, the company also has staff in Seville, Copenhagen, and Madrid. Adventure Box is traded at Nasdaq First North Growth Market under the short name ADVBOX and ISIN code SE0012955276. Aktieinvest FK AB with email [email protected] and phone number +46 739 49 62 50 is the company's Certified Adviser.

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