Arcane Crypto: Arcane Crypto announces correction of press release 

Arcane Crypto announces correction of press release

Stockholm, July 9th, 2021 - Arcane Crypto would like to clarify that a press release with the headline "Qbrick förlänger videoplattformsavtal med Danske Bank" was today by mistake distributed through Arcane Crypto's news distribution channel. The press release does not relate to Arcane Crypto in any way and we apologize for any confusion.

For further information, please contact:

Torbjørn Bull Jenssen, CEO, Arcane Crypto AB

E-mail: [email protected]

About Arcane Crypto

Arcane Crypto develops and invests in projects, focusing on bitcoin and digital assets. Arcane operates a portfolio of businesses, spanning the value chain for digital finance. As a group we deliver services targeting payments, investment, and trading. In addition, we have a media and research division. Arcane has the ambition to become a leading player in the digital assets space by growing the existing businesses, invest in cutting edge projects, and through acquisitions and consolidation.

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